Melonpool Re-Ducks Vol. 1 (Color)

Melonpool Re-Ducks Vol. 1 (Color)

For years, Melonpool fans have been asking forĀ  Melonpool print collections with the Sundays in color — well, that day has finally arrived — in three different editions, based on your reading preferences and budget!

Color Edition: All Sundays and incidental art printed in color. Dailies are still black and white, just like the newspapers. Also there are several never-posted-on-the web strips — false starts for the reboot included as bonus content, also in color! – $17.95

Black and White Edition: Same content as the color version, but with the original black and white line art. – $9.95

Kindle Edition: Same color content as the Color version, but formatted for your e-reader. – $8.95 (or $.99 when purchased with either the black and white print edition or the color print edition).

Sorry about the price, but until I have a fanbase that can support a real print run, I’m forced to rely on print on demand. The best way to get the print edition prices down is to tell your friends about the strip!